ALL WEEK LONG: We'll have the make-it/take-it craft table up and running, where you can stop by to make yourself a "FLIP-FLOP MAGNET CLIP"
TUESDAY: at 10:30, come to our Tropical Dance Party---there will be grass skirts to wear, water to drink, and Island Music for dancing! Miss Sarah will teach her own style (!) of hula dancing and limbo---we'll have a blast!
At 2:30, we're having a LEGO FREE-FOR-ALL, where we'll bring our creativity to the lego-table! At this point, registration is almost filled---call 673-2288 or go online to to register. For kids age 5 and up.
WEDNESDAY: at 3:00pm, we'll be showing the classic animated film "Finding Nemo". Bring a beach towel and a pillow so you can get comfortable, and a water bottle for refreshment---we'll supply the popcorn, and you get to watch the movie on the big screen!
THURSDAY: at 10:30, we're gathering in the Children's Room for our second annual BEACH PARTY---with SONGS, STORIES, and SMOOTHIES! Bring your beach towel to sit on, wear your flip-flops, your sunglasses, a tropical shirt---whatever! We'll sing and dance, listen to a silly story or two, and sip Miss Sue's DELICIOUS FRUIT SMOOTHIES! Please join us--it's so much fun, and we'd love to have you there!
at 1:30, we'll be making PONY BEAD KEYCHAIN CRITTERS in the Johnson meeting room. For crafty kids ages 8 and up. Registration required.